Virtual Pen Project History (résumé
du 1er mai 2003
All development on the project has been suspended. This is, hopefully, only a
temporary development freeze. But we can't promise anything.
19 May 2003
- Continuing work on managed C++ wrapper for the Grafix library.
- Continuing work on CR document.
18 May 2003
- Continuing work on CR document.
- Checking VS.NET 2003 with DevPartner Studio 7.1 Beta1.
17 May 2003
16 May 2003
- Working on a managed wrapper for the Grafix
library. Implementing the wrapper in managed C++ is an interesting exercise,
but also a somewhat frustrating one...
- Thinking about CR, preparing document for next Epsitec meeting.
15 May 2003
- Added a cache for glyph size measurement in the Grafix
library, at the TypeFace level.
- Thinking about CR.
14 May 2003
- Design and thinking about a new GUI toolkit for both Virtual Pen and the
new CR project.
13 May 2003
- Microsoft Information Day at Lausanne.
12 May 2003
- Use updated 4.0 version of the Unicode LineBreak
data file.
- Removed outdated test projects from the VP solution.
- Added new method VP.FrontEnd.Controllers.DocView.Activate, which
both activates the main window and sets the focus to the raw document view.
- The I-beam method HandleKeyboardSpy will
activate the main window whenever the user presses the ESC key, even if the
main window was already active (the activation also sets the focus, see
- Improved focus management in VP.Forms.Graphis.DocView
and VP.PlugIn.TextRuler.Form.
- Changed the ruler from a floating form to a panel which is embedded in the
document view.
- Added a new class VP.Forms.KeySinkingPanel
which provides the same support as KeySinkingForm.
10-11 May 2003
9 May 2003
- Cleaned up the Virtual Pen solution after all the experimentation work.
Removed unused test code and improved the MSI Setup project.
- Back-ported modifications I did last week because of VS.NET 2003. These
were tiny C++ conformance problems not spotted by VS.NET 2002.
- Found why the Release version crashed miserably on last Friday morning.
The initialisation code for the Grafix DLL
was called in a #if _DEBUG section...
- I compared VTune and DevPartner Studio with an agg2
sample; each tool has its own weakness, and I would love to have one which
would offer both features. VTune is great for finding hot spots quickly,
even without instrumenting, and DevPartner provides far better
instrumentation (at the cost of a very slow execution). And DevPartner
cannot instrument code in templates, which is annoying for agg2
performance tuning !
6-8 May 2003
- I have still not recovered fully. My back aches awfully. I tried to read
and understand what the current version of Crésus Facturation was all
- Tried out Numega (or is it Compuware) DevPartner
Studio version 7 for VS.NET. It is quite interesting, but building the Core
DLL took more than 5 hours of link time, which is not acceptable for a daily
use. I still have a few days left for evaluation, but I doubt I will spend a
few thousand dollars on it.
- Tried out Intel VTune
7, the latest release. They consider that 7 days are enough to evaluate
their product. It is amazing : without instrumenting the code, it
provides a quite good view of where the time is spent, thanks to the use of
internal CPU event counters (from what I understand). But the documentation
is really poor; I was expecting something along the lines of what Compuware
5 May 2003
- I feel sick today (probably flu ?)
- Worked for CRESUS PE, simply done the "tester".
3-4 May 2003
2 May 2003
- Could not show VP at Computer as planned. The version is too unstable and
slow, and too reduced in its functionality.
1 May 2003
- Fixed radius of outline detection. The radius was considered in document
points rather than pixels. Introducing the zoom factor helps command DetectObjectOutlineAtPos
to convert from points to what will effectively become an equivalent pixel
- Added support in VP::Tools::NamedImage
for a stretched representation of the image (this represents a simple
cache), based on VP::Tools::BitmapImage.
- Finally implemented the visual feed-back for text and image
candidates. This inserts stretched versions of the images (VP::Tools::NamedImage)
provided by the front-end (a big "A" for the text candidates, a
postcard image for image candidates).
- Built a release version of Virtual Pen : it does not
work properly !
History of previous months.